The Safety and the well being of our employees is paramount. It is “Job ONE.” There is no other concern of our company that is of greater importance.
If you are reading this message, chances are you are already a member or you are thinking about joining our team. Please take a moment to stop and think about your family, your friends, and the wonderful life that you have. As a member of our team you shall find that we are dedicated to providing you with a safe workplace so that you may return home to the ones you love, intact and healthy.
Make no mistake, safety is a team effort by involving everybody. It transcends job titles. It takes everybody’s hard work and dedication to keep the workplace safe. This online training program is just one of the many commitments to safety that you will encounter while on our team. I ask that you take it very seriously and be dedicated to our cause. Safety dedication is a living entity. It is a continual evolution, adapting to new work processes and changes. Staying in front of the incident, allowing prevention to prevail is our mission; it is our way of life. It is my intention to provide the safest workplace possible; a workplace that produces zero accidents.
It is true, zero accidents are possible and it is my goal. With your help and dedication it will not only be a possibility it will be a reality. It is our way of life it is our culture. Always remember
“Safety is Paramount; Safety is Job One.”